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Course Map
R.C.G.A. Rules Govern All Play
(Unless Modified by Local Rules)
(Unless Modified by Local Rules)
- Out of bounds defined by boundary fence or white stake.
- Red stakes define lateral water hazards.
- Please use 90 cart rule when possible and keep power carts on paths within 50 ft. of greens and tees.
- Do not drop debris or refuse on the course. Please use receptacles furnished on every tee.
- Golfers are responsible for any personal injury or material damage caused by them or their balls and should take necessary precautions at all times.
- Please read rules and regulation board on 1 tee before proceeding
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Postal Address:
PO Box 1193
Stn Main Cold Lake, AB
T9M 1P3
Call Us: (780) 594-2121
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