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Course Map

R.C.G.A. Rules Govern All Play
(Unless Modified by Local Rules)

  1. Out of bounds defined by boundary fence or white stake.
  2. Red stakes define lateral water hazards.
  3. Please use 90 cart rule when possible and keep power carts on paths within 50 ft. of greens and tees.
  4. Do not drop debris or refuse on the course. Please use receptacles furnished on every tee.
  5. Golfers are responsible for any personal injury or material damage caused by them or their balls and should take necessary precautions at all times.
  6. Please read rules and regulation board on 1 tee before proceeding

Contact Us

Postal Address:
PO Box 1193
Stn Main Cold Lake, AB
T9M 1P3

Call Us: (780) 594-2121
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